
i know resting bitch face is like a joke thing but um has anyone ever talked about how profoundly soul-destroying it is to be told you look sad or angry or like you hate everyone when you uhhh actually are…genuinely trying to be nice or gregarious or even were in quite a good mood and had literally no idea you were even coming across as aloof or unpleasant 


who the fuck manages to eat three set separate meals at three set times of the day. who the fuck does that. i eat however much i’m hungry for whenever i’m hungry, which could be anywhere in the range of once a day, six times a day or constantly snacking, depending on the weather, how much i’ve slept, the phase of my menstrual cycle, how annoyed i am, how well i’m dressed, how much work i have to do, how much food i see that day, how gay i’m feeling,